So normally I would compose a blog post in the form of well-thought out paragraphs to convey the general idea of what I want to talk about. I tend to think of myself as at least semi-intelligent, but every once in a while things are just so incredibly awesome that words fail me and I turn into a blithering idiot who can barely form complete sentences.
Yes, for you ladies out there, that's a symptom of being male.
So what's got me all in a tizzy?
I pass by them almost every day at my job and am tempted to buy all of them so then when I DO get a girlfriend, I'll have her size. And then she can get a great many spankings while wearing them.
Why you ask?
Look at them. They are majestic.
Adult panties made to look like children's design panties. With superheroes. RETRO Superheroes.
Keep your lingerie. THIS IS THE NEW SEXY. XD
"I Need A Hero" they say.
"I Need a Girlfriend" I say.
Seriously, some sweet beautiful girl somewhere needs to get spanked in these. And post pictures.
And I'm out.
*face palm*
Okay. Anyone out there got a crush? Want to make them more than your crush?
- Go buy these awesome panties.
- Go find your crush.
- Hold up these panties and say "I will wear these if you go out with me."
*Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled thoughtful post to be posted some time today!*
God bless everyone, and happy spanking!
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