Monday, March 25, 2013

Ask Me Anything

I've been browsing a few other blogs lately and it seems I missed the memo on March being "Ask Me Anything" month in the blogging community. Well, I'm fairly new and really open about things, so I figured, what the heck, let's see if anyone has anything they'd like to ask me about.

So, any burning questions? Silly questions? Feel free to ask them here of course, but also any time. They don't even have to be spanking related, although it certainly helps.

This weeks gonna be a heck of a week at my store, as Easter is always extremely busy for reasons I can't figure out. So I will be doing my best to Keep Calm and Think of Spanking, but hopefully you guys will give me questions to think about!

And just because I found it funny...

1 comment:

  1. Hrm questions. .. you can have your pick :)

    Something serious: What motivates you to spank in a punishment situation? (As a sub, I find this intriguing as it seems to be a lot to ask when a spanker could easily just ignore it or move on to someone else rather than takoing a risk by stepping up and trying to help someone address a problem.)

    Something fun: What fictional character would you most like to spank (or be spanked by) and why?

    Something completely off-topic: What is the greatest compliment you have ever received?

    God luck this week- hope you're able to keep your center of calm at work.
