Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Daddy Issues

Please note that this is a rather long post on the subject of Parent/Child roleplay. It is not about the spanking of actual kids, but about consenting partners who want to act like children in a spanking game. If this sort of thing offends you, please move onto another post. =)

When I first got into the RP Scene and attached to a couple of regular partners, the dynamics of our characters were almost always that of a parent and child. I would be the loving but firm Father, and they would be my bratty daughter. Usually she would be a teenager in serious need of an attitude adjustment, but we were not afraid to play with younger characters. I would always tone down the spankings for younger children. It took me a while to really adjust to this sort of play, because it did get me excited and it's weird feeling that way about kids, even imaginary ones.

As I've matured and gotten to know myself a bit better, I've come to realize that my spanking desires are not 100% tied in with my sexual desires. Yes, they connect, but I enjoy a spanking for the sake of a spanking and especially the cuddling and emotionally connecting that happens afterward. As it turns out, being a "Daddy" in an RP helps me to separate the two more clearly. And I've also learned to enjoy being Daddy when I'm not spanking my playmates. It's fun getting to spoil them with ice cream or trips to the zoo or finally getting that toy they've been asking me for.

I know that Age Play is a rather prevalent trend in the spanking scene, but I never really thought it would what I was into most. But honestly, when I take a look at myself, it makes sense.

My biological father was barely a part of my life when I grew up, and I resented him for it. While my mom would later marry a man that I came to know as my Dad, I still have "Daddy Issues" and probably always will. My dream from an early age was to be the kind of Dad that my father wasn't, who was there for his kids and always got to be a hero and not someone who abandoned them.

I've realized that RPing as a Daddy gives me a chance to live that out, to be the Dad I want to be but can't be yet. Now yes, obviously I don't plan to make punishment such a big focus as it is when I play, but that's what the play is for. Getting to be comforting and guiding, spoiling someone and bonding with them is more like awesome fringe benefits. And I just enjoy being warm and protective and laughing with my partners rather than being a bossy Dom all the time, so it works out better.

I hope that one day I'll get to be a real father, and I expect that at that point my desire for the role play will die down a little bit. But let's face it. When you're spanking your partner, sending them to your room, making them stand in the corner, washing their mouth out with are treating them like a child. So you might as well remove pretense.

I know there are plenty of girls out there who like the idea of getting spanked by a father figure, so I'm sure I'll find a girl who shares my interest. Until then, I'm glad I get to my the surrogate Daddy for some of my friends who desperately need some fatherly attention.

1 comment:

  1. For me as well, although spanking/submission is an integral part of my sexuality, it is not always sexual. I had always associated role play with the more sexual side of spanking, and found this post fascinating. Glad you have this outlet to help tap into the "fringe benefits."
