Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Answering Anything - Silly

And now for the other half of answering the Ask Me Anything, and oh what a doozy this one is. Especially for one who is the complete nerd that I am. Also from Kia Cera:

"Something fun: What fictional character would you most like to spank (or be spanked by) and why?"

Well why can't I answer both?

Which fictional character would I most like to spank? Hmmm....I suppose this depends on the situation. Am I spanking them for my personal enjoyment or because I really think this character needs a good spanking?

For pure sex appeal, it's a no contest:

Now, this isn't because I particularly enjoy Padme Amidala's character. Truth be told I hate Episodes I and II and generally don't enjoy her performance in Revenge of the Sith very much either. But come's a teenage Natalie Portman! Yes please!

Now, which character do I most want to spank because I think they need to be punished? Well, that's a toss up between two very similar characters.

I adore Tom Hiddleston's Loki, and of my numerous man crushes, he's the only one that I've fantasized about topping. Loki is an absolute brat of a villain. Unlike a lot of comic book villains, Loki is not simply trying to take over the world and torment his brother Thor simply to build his ego. He may be a full-tilt diva, but any fan of the character will tell you that all of Loki's motivation for greatness comes from wanting acceptance from his father Odin and to be an equal with his brother. A quote from The Avengers where The Nameless sums up Loki's desire to rule the Earth works well here.

"Your ambition is little, and full of childish need."

I'd like to think that a long, serious spanking for all his crimes followed by all the loving and affirming cuddling that happens after would do a lot to cure Loki's world-altering temper tantrums. But he'd still be cheeky, and thank Asgard for that.

And the other one:

If you're not familiar with the show Avatar: The Last Airbender (or only familiar with it through the crime against cinema that is M Night Shaymalan's "The Last Airbender") this is Princess Azula, Princess of the Fire Nation and the scariest fourteen year old you will ever see. And also a source of frustration as I've gotten older, because the farther away you get from your teen years the more you realize it's not okay for a girl this age to be as unintentionally sexy as Azula is. A lot of that is Grey DeLisle's voice...*shudders* but I digress.

Much like Loki, Azula has serious parental issues. She believes that her mother saw her as a monster, and while she more than lives up to that assessment throughout the series, it still hurts her. Even sadder, she slowly realizes that all of her father's love and praise is simply manipulation, using her talents for his means, and that he doesn't care about her. Watching Azula's mind slowly unravel in the series finale is out of the most unsettling and heartbreaking experiences I've ever had as a fan, and you can't but pity her.

The official canon ending is that Azula spends the rest of her days in a mental hospital, but I for one have always imagined that she reunites with her mother, and spankings and hugs ensue. Cause boy does this girl EVER need one.

Now, who do I do most WANT to be spanked by? Hoo boy. Remember when I mentioned my man crushes? Most of them are celebrities that I really, really want to be spanked by. Aside from two that you'll see right here, Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth are other big man crushes. But ultimately, it comes down to two guys.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is part of what I consider the "Holy Trinity" of Popcorn Films, the others being the original Star Wars and Back to the Future. So it's no real surprise that Harrison Ford was one of those manly action heroes that I gravitated to when I was younger. And while Han Solo is a great character in his own right, Indiana Jones is Harrison at his best. The facial hair, the scruffy hat, the sense that he handles everything through willpower and determination rather than dumb luck. Indy's just better.

You can really boil down the roots of my desire to be spanked by an older, intimidating but ultimately good man due to my Daddy Issues. That initial earning for a man in my life is still very powerful, and as I've gotten older I've realized it's okay to sexualize men. While I'm definitely more attracted to women, I can admit to being just a little bit bisexual. Especially for a guy like this.

But Indy's more of the "Father Figure" type and more representative of the type of man I'd want to spank me in a platonic relationship. As long as he leaves that bullwhip at home.

But the other man here? Total sex fantasy.



James Bond = Good. Daniel Craig = Better. Daniel Craig AS James Bond?

Oh Yes Sir, please tie me up, spank me, ravish me and do all kinds of terrible things to me.

I mean seriously. Even TOTALLY straight guys want to be dominated by 007. And I'm only about 92% straight.

I probably wouldn't leave my wife for Daniel Craig, but I'd probably cry about missing the opportunity for a minute.

*takes a few deep breaths*

Okay. I'm good now. What was I talking about? Oh yes. Fictional characters I want to be spanked by. In spite of those last two posts, the answer really is pretty simple for me. I've been in love with this character for the last year and a half. Her comic is almost always one of Top Five of any given month. She's a warrior, she's sweet and kind and motherly, she's sexy, she's strong, really everything I love and am attracted to in women. And I would not even hesitate to sub for her. She even comes with the perfect bondage tool.


Yep. Princess Diana of the Amazons, more commonly known to everyone as Wonder Woman.

If you know anything about the character's history, it's really no surprise that anyone who's remotely into femdom would find Wonder Woman appealing. Her creator, William Moulton Marston, was a very submissive man attracted to powerful women, very much in the BDSM scene of his day. Diana's iconic Lasso of Truth originally gave the user complete control over anyone bound by it, forcing them to totally obey without hesitation. Kinky? Yeah. So kinky that DC eventually forgot about those powers in order to keep their comics innocent.

I'd also love to spank Wonder Woman, if I was as strong as Superman and thought I could actually get her to feel it. But you don't need a Lasso of Truth for me to say that I'd be perfectly happy letting her be the Head of my Household.

That probably over answers your question. But if I could only pick one to spank, it would be Azula, and if I could only pick one to be spanked by, it would be Diana.


  1. Oooh- spanking and nerdy wonderfulness all rolled into one! Great way to end the day :)

    Love the holy trinity of popcorn films- but very glad the bullwhip did not come into play. . .was worried for a while there.

    1. There is in fact I limit to my craziness. Whips are fine and dandy if that's your thing, but I personally am no big fan.
